ComNetworkMIAMI Mixer

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ComNetworkMIAMI Mixer

calendar_month Date: August 29, 2024

schedule Time: 6pm - 9pm Eastern

event ComNetLOCAL Event



Miami Mixer

Interested in (re-)connecting with a network of mission-driven communications professionals?

ComNetwork Miami returns this Fall with a series of programs and conversations to create a positive social impact. Join us for our re-launch mixer with our friends at Books & Books Coral Gables later this month!

This event is open to all cause-oriented communication professionals, so forward this invitation to your colleagues and friends.

ComNetworkMIAMI is a network of Miami-area communications professionals who believe in the power of smart communications to improve lives. In affiliation with The Communications Network, ComNetworkMIAMI is one among over a dozen cities with active local groups of communicators working in various facets of the social sector, including at foundations, nonprofits, and as consultants.


For more information, visit the ComNetworkMIAMI website

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